grain moisture meters

Handheld double pins agricultural moisture meters Accurate

moisture metersThe Farmpoint moisture meter is the original Supertech product designed to measure the moisture level of grain and seeds. It provides essential assistance in the field when determining the best time for harvesting and is also used for regular moisture measurement during the drying process and in storage.
If grain is harvested wetter than necessary, the consequences are not only extra drying costs but also a significantly increased risk of quality loss and spoilage.

Quick and accurate moisture measurement

  • Handy, robust and easy to operate
  • Reliable results
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Automatic calculation of average value
  • High measuring range
  • Adjustment of calibrations
  • High quality – low price
  • Two year warranty
  • Designed and produced in Denmark

Easy to operate

The Farmpoint moisture meter is a robust tool supplied in a casing made of shockproof ABS plastic. It can be safely transported on the tractor, in the granary, etc.

The Farmpoint Moisture Meter:

Simple to use in four easy steps:

Portable and reliable companion

Effective grain storage is essential to maintain crop quality and prevent losses. Reliable moisture management is vital to ensure an optimal storage environment.
Farmpoint moisture meter is the original whole grain moisture meter that operates using high frequency measurement, compression of the sample and automatic temperature compensation, for more reliable results.

The failproof design makes it easy to test the grain whenever and wherever.

Principle of measurement

The Farmpoint moisture meter measures the conductivity and temperature of a grain sample. The exact moisture value is calculated by means of an advanced measurement technique, developed through many years of hands-on experience. 
The compression and automatic temperature compensation features, ensure high reliability of the Farmpoint moisture meter for moisture management of grain in the field, during the drying process and in storage.

Average readings

The changing nature of grain when harvested or dried makes average readings a significant advantage. Freshly harvested grain often has greater variability compared to grain stored for some time. Errors are frequently ±0.5% and can be bigger in very wet, very dry or freshly harvested grain.
The Farmpoint moisture meter can be used to quickly make several separate measurements. Four to five readings will automatically be used to calculate a reliable average value. By using average and calibration adjustment the accuracy can be better than ±0.5%, in the normal moisture range.

To adjust the calibration of the Farmpoint Moisture Meter

Farmpoint moisture meter is factory-calibrated for every crop, using the official methods of measuring moisture content as compiled by ISTA (International Seed Testing Association). The calibration scales are compiled using samples of crops grown in normal conditions. Differing growth factors between years and varieties can have an effect on the electrical characteristics of the crop. It can therefore be necessary to occasionally recalibrate the meter.

Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.

For inquiries on deliveries contact us

Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036


grain moisture meters

Best sellers draminski grain moisture meters in Kampala

grain moisture meters This specific range of coffee bean moisture meter is calibrated and tailor made specifically for the coffee industry.
Easy to use and highly portable device that has been used by many companies across the globe.

Moisture meter DRAMINSKI TwistGrain Pro gives possibility of modifying calibration curves. Moisture meter users can calibrate the device on their own, i.e. modify preset moisture curves for each bean type, which curves have been created based on comparative studies with the use of an oven-drying method.

A large graphic and LED- illuminated display allows reading the result in any conditions (field/warehouse, full sun/night). The menu enables the user to adjust the display settings: illumination time, illumination intensity and contrast

The TwistGrain pro device is equipped with the real time clock, which, together with huge data storage capacity, allows recording 50,000 moisture measurements and temperature measurements from the external probe (records with date and hour).

The data storage mode covers up to 400 species and 20 language versions and makes the device a very useful and universal tool for each farmer, expert, drying room operator, gardener, barista or entrepreneur for the food and agriculture industry.

external temperature probe consideration

additionally, you can order the external temperature probe that generates precise measurements (±0.5°C) of crops stored in piles, flat warehouses or silos.

The device can work with any number of probes with varied construction and length (and there is no need to calibrate the probe for the device). Each probe wired up to the moisture meter can be assigned a name according to personal preferences (the data storage capacity allows recording the names of max. 20 probes). This can be now brought separately from our online store

When the name is recorded for a given probe, a catalogue is created in the data storage; this catalogue will accommodate measurement to transfer them to the PC for analysing, generating reports, archiving etc. When the probe is wired up, the device automatically detects it and displays the name.

High-quality stainless-steel guarantees durability (and corrosion resistance).

The data storage capacity allows recording 50,000 temperature measurements with date and hour.

The TG Pro comes with a durable mini-USB port that is used to connect an external temperature probe and transfer the data to the PC, automatic updates and moisture curves. That’s why the DRAMINSKI TwistGrain Pro is simply unmatched!!!

Twist Grain Pro has 4 buttons on the keyboard for comfortable and easy operation (the OK button is to confirm, the ESC button to cancel, and the arrow keys ↑↓ help with intuitive navigation).

Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.

For inquiries on deliveries contact us

Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036


grain moisture meters

Agricultural grain and seeds moisture meter shop

moisture meter shop Measurement of the whole grains is performed using capacitive method. It is easy to fill the sample with the help of a dispenser. Large, legible graphic LED backlit screen shows full name of the species, moisture in %, average measurement and temperature of the grain. There is a digital temperature sensor in the chamber which guarantees accurate measurements.


GMM mini has a rich and continuously updated list of calibrations. You can manually extend the list entering special codes into the menu of the device.


You will be able to measure grain moisture both in storage places and in the field. Just place your device on solid ground. You can independently enter modifications of measurements which value appears at each species. You can also set the number of measurements in the menu on the basis of which the average value is calculated. Time of continuous operation on 1 battery set is 270 hours.


This modern device has a developed but easy to use menu which enables easy access to the options that the user needs. You will take advantage of the graphic screen and you will get a lot of satisfaction working with your grain moisture meter.


Durable, made from ABS plastic dispenser allows accurate measurement of a proper amount of the grain.


Hard casing made of shock-proof ABS plastic guarantees extreme durability of your device for many years.


Thanks to built in USB port updating of calibrations and software is fast and easy. Now you do not have to send your device to the service department and you will always have the most up-to-date version.

Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.

For inquiries on deliveries contact us

Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036


grain moisture meters

Latest double pins type grain moisture meter suppliers in Uganda

double pins Small handy device used to determine your grain moisture very quickly.Ideal for every farmer. it’s high-tech electronic equipment for the agriculture

Moisture content is a crucial element in the marketing of grain, so that grain farmers take particular care to ensure that storage facilities meet requirements. Because temperatures change and grain moisture tends to migrate, these structures must control air movement and have the type of flooring which prevents conditions that could do damage to the grain.

Applications of moisture meter GMM mini

grain farmers take great pains to make sure that calculated moisture loss during specific storage times is not exceeded. Farmers who wish to market corn that contains 14.5 per cent of moisture will usually store it for between 6 and 12 months, depending of their particular set of weather and storage conditions.

Calculations are, of course, adapted for higher or lower levels of moisture content, but farmers will have estimated the value of their crop by weight and current market conditions, so that fluctuations can have a significant negative financial impact. It is not surprising then that they rely heavily on the accuracy of the technology used to determine the actual moisture content of their crop.

 Grain moisture meter ideal for every farmer

An effective and efficient grain moisture meter is essential if grain farmers are to maximise profitability in the marketplace. The cost of a moisture tester if far less than what could be lost if the estimated moisture content is even half a per cent less at the point of sale. Serious farmers are well aware of this and will look to trusted manufacturers to provide the necessary high quality equipment. Draminski is often their brand of choice.

Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.

For inquiries on deliveries contact us

Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036


grain moisture meters

Cereal grain wille moisture meters for sale Kampala Uganda

moisture meters Farmpoint Moisture Meter owners Supertech Agroline develops manufactures and sells high quality post-harvest equipment that is sold in more than 50 countries around the world. Many years of hands-on experience give us an unmatched competitive advantage and a unique and reliable product range.

The Farmpoint Moisture Meter is just one of our innovative digital moisture meters. Our product range includes moisture analyzers for grain and seeds, hay, straw and silage, biofuels, wood pellets and sawdust as well as temperature monitoring systems.

Like any foodstuff, grain must be protected from contamination. Storage facilities and grain condition are both critical factors. The Farmpoint Moisture Meter is an essential tool when it comes to Grain Quality Management. The moisture level is the first thing to check before harvest, during the drying process, and during storage. Keeping the moisture and temperature levels of the harvested crops sufficiently low will lead to a higher quality yield.

Whether you use the crops to feed animals or as ingredients in food products, the increase in quality will not only raise your profits, but also decrease the unnecessary strains on the environment that is usually associated with post-harvest spoilage.

Thank you for allowing Accurate Weighing Scales (U) Ltd the privilege to serve you in advance.

For inquiries on deliveries contact us

Office +256 (0) 705 577 823, +256 (0) 775 259 917

Address: Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
